The English version of the journal "Biologiya Morya" is published simultaneously under the cover "Russian Journal of Marine Biology" by Pleiades Publishing Inc. The journal publishes reviews and original research papers on various aspects of observational, experimental, theoretical and applied marine biology.

License Agreement

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Authors should also follow ethical requirements, outlined at (disclosure all relationships or interests that could have direct or potential influence or impart bias on the work, and following ethical resposibilities and ethical standarts, including respectance of the welfare of animals used for research).

Please write your text in good English (American usage). Authors who feel their English language manuscript may require editing to eliminate possible grammatical or spelling errors and to conform to correct scientific English are advised to use any English language editing service. Manuscripts dedicated to description of new species, submitted by authors in English, will be published in the "Russian Journal of Marine Biology" without publication in the Russian-language version of the journal ("Biologiya Morya"). Manuscripts on other topics in English will only be accepted from authors for whom Russian is not native language. Exceptions to this rule are allowed only for invited authors or by special decision of the editorial board.

Electronic version of your manuscript should be in MS Word. Manuscripts should not exceed 27 pages for reviews, 15 pages for full size papers, and 8 pages for short communications. No more than 2 figures as separate files can be enclosed to the short communication. Use A4 format, 1.5-spacing, left-justification, 2.5-cm margins, and 12-point Times New Roman font for all text, references, tables, and figure legends. Insert a line between paragraphs and a single space between words and after punctuation, do not use underlining. Pages and lines of the manuscript should be numbered.

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1. The article should be self-contained. Supplementary materials should not include information that is critical for understanding the article.

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5. Supplementary materials are a part of the article, and they are subject to all the requirements for the article by the applicable law. Supplementary materials are eligible for copyright protection and the author must sign the respective copyright transfer agreement that covers the respective supplementary materials.



1. Title of paper, author's initials and last name, address(es) of scientific institution with a zip code and e-mail address. If there is more than one author, use small upper letters (a,b, etc.) to indicate the author’s affiliation.

2. Summary (1/2 page) with keywords (in the end, as a separate line, no more than six keywords).

3. Text (for full papers and short communications: introduction, materials and methods, results, and discussion).

4. Acknowledgments.

5. References.

6. Tables.

7. Figure captions.

8. A separate list of paper with a title of paper, author's name and address(es) of the institution.

Manuscript should be signed by the author (coauthors).

Full scientific names (as examle: Type species. Xxxxxxxx ggggggg (Smith & Birn, 1902) of organisms are to be given in the Title of the manuscript and when the first time the organisms are mentioned. Genus and species names in the text, abstract, tables, and figures must be italicized. Museum catalog numbers for all voucher specimens examined must be included in the manuscript.

If before the Latin name of the organism under study there is no indication of its higher taxonomic rank (for example, the phoronid Phoronopsis harmeri), then the names of higher taxonomic ranks that have been or are to be determined should be given in parentheses after the Latin name of a species or a genus. These may be either phylum and class (for example, Tardigrada: Heterotardigrada), or class and order (Polychaeta: Phyllodocida), or order and family (Decapoda: Lithodidae).

Figures should not be included in the text but submitted as separate files. All drawings, maps, diagrams and photographs must be numbered consecutively, and referred to as Fig. 1, Fig. 2a, etc. Black-and-white figures are preferable, use color only when necessary. In preparing electronic version of drawings, use these guidelines: for the raster graphics use TIFF format with a resolution of 300-600 dpi, 256 shades of gray; for the vector figures use Corel Draw format (up to version 13.0). PDF, JPG and JPEG format will not be accepted. Different inscriptions on figures and diagrams should be made by small latin letters (a, b, etc.).

Literature citations in text should be given by the numbers in square brackets. References are listed alphabetically. In the Reference list, arrange the titles of papers of the same author chronologically. Please use abbreviation of journal titles according to CAS Source Index (C.A.S.S.I.) ( Unpublished results and personal communications are not recommended in the reference list. Citation of a reference as 'in press' implies that the item has been accepted for publication. In such case indication of DOI is preferable.

The examples of References are followed below.

Two authors: Callow, M.E. and Evans, L.V., Localization of sulfated polysaccharides by X-ray microanalysis in Laminaria saccharina, Planta, 1976, vol. 131, pp. 155-157.

More than two authors: Cajaraville, M., Olabarrienta, I., and Marigomez, I., In vitro activities in mussel hemocytes as biomarkers of environmental quality: a case study in the Abra Estuary (Biscay Bay), Ecotoxicol. Environ. Saf., 1996, vol. 35, pp. 253-260.

More than three authors: Canesi, L., Lorusso, L.C., Ciacci, C., et al., Immunomodulation of Mytilus hemocytes by individual estrogenic chemicals and environmentally relevant mixtures of estrogens: in vitro and in vivo studies, Aquat. Toxicol., 2007, vol. 81, pp. 36-44.

Book chapter or a paper in a Collection of Papers: Cheng, T.C., Effects of in vivo exposure of Crassostrea virginica to heavy metals on hemocytes viability and activity levels of lysosomal enzymes, in Pathology in marine science, San Diego: Acad. Press, 1990, pp. 513-524.

Books: Percival, E. and McDowell, R.H., Chemistry and Enzymology of Marine Algal Polysaccharides, M. Smith, Ed., London: Acad. Press, 1967.

Conference abstracts:: Yamaji, I., Regional distribution of major systematic groups of zooplankton in the Kuroshio and adjacent region, The Kuroshio II, Sugawara, K., Ed., (Proc. 2nd Symp. on the Results of the Cooperative Study of the Kuroshio and Adjacent Regions), Tokyo, 1970, pp. 327-328.

Dissertations: Starovoitov, A.N., Biology of Asian chum salmon during the period of its ocean life, Extended Abstract of Cand. (Biol.) Sci. Dissertation, Vladivostok: Tikhookean. Nauchno-Issled. Rybokhoz. Tsentr, 2002.

Web references: Web references should be included in the reference list. The full URL should be given and the date when the reference was last accessed. Any further information, if known (DOI, author names, dates, reference to a source publication, etc.), should also be given.