BIOLOGIYA MORYA, 2014, Vol. 40, No. 4, pp. 249-256

Prospects for replenishment of feed protein shortfall in aquaculture

© 2014 S. I. Dolomatov1, A. V. Kubyshkin1, W. A. Zukow2, S. A. Kutya1, M. Cieslicka2, R. Muszkieta2, M. Napierala2

1Georgievski Crimea State Medical University, Simferopol, 295006, Russia;
2Kazimierz Wielki University, Bydgoszcz, 85-064, Poland

Studying the properties of the proton-dependent oligopeptide transport system PepT1 in the fish intestine is a promising direction to solve the problem of substitution of dietary proteins in aquaculture. At the same time, some publications provide direct evidence for the close relationship of the processes of oligopeptide absorption in the gut with the parameters of plastic metabolism in various organs and tissues, especially in the early stages of ontogeny. The published data suggest that the food value of synthetic oligopeptides for fish may be increased by including amino acids that are growth-limiting for a given tissue in the early stages of ontogeny of a species of fish, as well as by identifying the parameters of the affinity of individual substrates (oligopeptides) to the PepT1 transport system in fish.

Key words: fish, feed proteins, intestinal oligopeptide transport system, PepT1.