BIOLOGIYA MORYA, 2003, Vol. 29, No. 1, pp. 59-62

Morphological features of supralittoral mollusks of the genus Cecina (Gastropoda: Pomatiopsidae) from Peter the Great Bay, the Sea of Japan

© 2003 L. A. Prozorova

Institute of Biology and Soil Sciences, Far East Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Vladivostok 690022

Amphibious mollusks of the genus Cecina in the littoral and supralittoral of the Sea of Japan are represented by three species: Cecina manchurica A. Adams, 1861, C. tatarica (Schrenck, 1867), and C. scarlatoi Prozorova, 1996. Morphological indices for the identification of adult decollated shells of these species are proposed: (1) ratio of width of the last whorl (without mouth) to length of the last and penultimate whorls and (2) ratio of width of the third lower whorl to width of the last whorl (without mouth).

Key words: Cecina, Pomatiopsidae, supralittoral mollusks, conchology, juvenile, definitive, decollated shell, apical angle, radula.

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